CJ Evans

LIVES book cover

Posted on November 24, 2021

I’m in love with this cover for Lives, designed by Gabriele Wilson. Gabriele designed the cover of my first chapbook, The Category of Outcast, and it means a lot to have my work so nicely dressed up by her work again.  More details coming soon, but you can also start pre-ordering the book if you want to entirely forget about it and have it arrive as a surprise next June. Just call your local independent bookseller (it’s also available onRead More

Throwback poem in VQR

Posted on November 6, 2021

Ghost Poem in Virginia Quarterly Review (this poem was later published in A Penance). My favorite part of post-apocalyptic movies is when the characters walk around ruined cities and it’s quiet and the grasses and vines have started to take all the concrete back to sand.  

New Book Coming from Sarabande

Posted on July 19, 2021

Giant thanks to Victoria Chang for selecting my book LIVES for the Kathryn A. Morton Prize from Sarabande Books. The book will be out next summer—copious updates to come, of course.

2 Poems in the Cortland Review

Posted on June 8, 2021

Two poems from the new book in the updated Cortland Review. Click through for the link.

Poem in Crazyhorse

Posted on May 13, 2021

“An Orchard Is a Forest We Broke” in Crazyhorse. Click through to get to the link.

Massachusetts Review

Posted on May 13, 2021

“What other professions have you worked in?” Whew, lots. I cut back trees and shrubs under powerlines in the forests of Oregon. I checked the items in boxes against order forms in a sports company warehouse, which I liked because they let us skateboard on the loading dock during our breaks. I was a host on the 9PM to 5AM shift at a diner in downtown Seattle where everybody came after shows. I think the worst job I had wasRead More